Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Supreme Supreme

So, here is the thing about citrus. Whenever someone around me starts to eat an orange, I walk by and think to myself "oooooo that smells amazing! I should get some oranges!" So I do. But when I open the fridge in search of a quick snack, I don't see that awesome, juicy flavorful delight for what it is... I see peel and seeds, and pith and mess.

Celeste and I live in Florida. Every Autumn (but Autumn I mean like late November/early December) the groves come alive, and citrus gets cheap! So Celeste bought a HUGE flat grapefruit, oranges and nectarines. While at her house she puts a big bowl in front of me full of supremed citrus. Now, I supreme all the time for recipes and salads, but I never thought to do all my oranges at once, and then eat them with a fork! No going back! is how I do it!

1) Peel your orange, but with a knife. Make sure you get all the membrane.You should see the juicy part all the way around.

2) With a sharp knife, cut on either side of the wedge. Get as close as you can. You want to get as much fruit as possible. You will be able to easily see the seeds and pluck them out. I recomend you do this over your storage container, because all this loveley juice will begin to pour out!. The wedges will just slide right out!
* disclaimer: be careful, people! I'm not responsible if you are in a hurry and supreme your fingers!

3) I like to take the peel, and carefully remove all the pith. You can julienne and add to all kinds of sweet or savory dishes! (I use this in a lot of my recipes) But in the mean time, the peel can stay in a zipper bag in your fridge for 1-2 weeks! And the oranges are ready to eat, our add to your salads, yogurt....whatever!

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